Friday 8 September 2017

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Det är därför Vi gillar den korta listan över handelsplatser ovan. Copyright 2015 - All rights reserved Sitemap. Binary trading bär betydande risk Aldrig i Väst mer än du har råd att förlora Den här webbplatsen är inte ekonomisk rådgivning eller något erbjudande om ekonomisk rådgivning. Denna webbplats är endast avsedd för underhållning och informationsändamål. Med hjälp av denna webbplats accepterar du att hålla oss 100 ofarliga för alla förluster. 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Var vänlig medveten om de risker som är förknippade med binär optionshandel och handel med Finansmarknaderna investerar aldrig mer pengar än du kan riskera att förlora Riskerna med att handla binära optioner är höga och kanske inte är lämpliga för alla investerare. BinaryTrading behåller inget ansvar för eventuella handelsförluster som du kan utsättas för genom att använda den information som är värd för Den här webbplatsen Citat som finns på denna webbplats tillhandahålls inte av utbyten utan av marknadsaktörer. Priserna kan skilja sig från växelpriser och kan inte vara korrekta till realtidspriser. De levereras som en guide till handel snarare än för handelsändamål. Se Hela vår integritetspolicy. Du kan inte läsa en investeringsblogg utan att komma över inlägg om binära alternativ. Det är mycket o F pengar i binära alternativ för användare, mäklare och annonsörer så det gick inte att byta över natten Binär alternativ handel är legitim, men otroligt riskabelt Du måste förstå branschen och de risker som är involverade och du kan bättre tjäna dig borta helt. T tror på granskare som ställer binära alternativ som en snabb lösning för dina ekonomiska problem. I verkligheten kan ingenting vara längre från sanningen. Hur fungerar binära optioner Trading. Binary alternativ handlare investerar i framtida rörelse för vissa tillgångar som guld, aktier, Marknader osv. Enkelt uttryckt försöker binärhandlare att förutse huruvida värdet av sådana tillgångar kommer att öka eller minska under en viss tidsram. Om din förutsägelse blir sant, kommer du att vinna och tjäna en provision på din investering. Om värdet inte förändras som Du förutspådde, kommer du att förlora alla pengar som investerats för att låsa in din förutsägelse. Presenteras på detta sätt blir det uppenbart att binär alternativ handel är mer som sportspel än äkta investerar binär Alternativ är inget annat än att satsa på finansiella tillgångar, ungefär som om du skulle satsa på resultatet av ett sportspel. Så är det en bluff. Det gör inte binära alternativ en bluff Det är bara inte en investering. Majoriteten av binära alternativ Mäklare är legitiska företag Som legitima mäklarhus kommer dina pengar inte att bli stulna och du kommer inte bli lurad. Problemet är att majoriteten av mäklare lovar orealistiska förväntningar. Den genomsnittliga användaren får inte resultat som dessa. Den vanligaste sätten binära mäklare lockar Nya handlare är att visa dem fall där enkla människor lyckades vinna enorma summor pengar genom att bara handla låga belopp på guld och andra populära tillgångar. Säkerligen finns sådana fall, men de är undantaget inte regeln På samma sätt är vissa sporter Gamblers lyckas vinna mycket stora summor, skickliga tur binära alternativ handlare gör ibland bank Men detta händer extremt sällan. Inte vetskap om detta, många människor registrerar sig med binära alternativ mäklare som erbjuder orealistiska Ic vinnande löften i slutändan slutar många människor förlora alla pengar de lägger in i systemet. Men du kan verkligen vinna. Den största faktorn att vinna på binära alternativ är LUCK men ja, du kan verkligen vinna. Sak mäklare Kommer inte att berätta är att du måste lägga mycket arbete och forskning om du vill vinna konsekvent och till och med då är tur den mest kraftfulla variabelen. Liksom i sportspel, om du vill vinna måste du ha Stor kunskap om den aktuella sporten och om de lag som spelar. Du måste förstå spelet, styrkorna och svagheterna i lagen och spelarnas färdigheter. Du kommer att behöva veta om historisk prestanda, träningsnivåer, skador Och dussintals andra variabler Även då kan saker inte gå dig. Om du faktor i alla dessa variabler kommer du förmodligen att vinna på lång sikt. Det är exakt samma i binär optionshandel. Det finns otaliga variabler och risker som du kommer att Måste överväga i eller Der för att noggrant förutsäga den framtida utvecklingen av en tillgång. Issatser som årstid, ekonomins tillstånd, politisk utveckling, ekonomiska prestanda för nyckelaktörer, senaste nyheter och händelser påverkar ständigt rörelsen av aktiekurser och råvaror. För att kunna exakt förutse rörelsen för en tillgång måste du vara uppdaterad med all denna information. För att du ska kunna lyckas måste du förstå en rad tekniska data, till exempel att kunna För att läsa diagram, använd tekniska indikatorer förstå statistiska beräkningar och mycket mer. Som du kan se är binära alternativ mycket mer än bara att investera 100 på guld och sedan få 300 tillbaka 10 minuter senare Om detta är ditt tillvägagångssätt kommer du att förlora 100 Av din investering snarare än senare. Men det låter hårt. Ja, det är precis vad solid binär handel kräver att jag vet att de flesta enheter som annonserar binära alternativ gör mycket dristiga löften, men i verkligheten är det så mycket Mer komplicerat För att verkligen tjäna pengar måste du investera betydande mängder tid i marknadsundersökningen och lära sig om de tekniska aspekterna av denna verksamhet. Oavsett vad någon lovar kommer du aldrig att kunna göra lätta pengar genom att placera slumpmässiga spel här Och där mäklare räknar med att du gör exakt det här eftersom de vet att det här sättet kommer du att betala priset för att bli en förlorande näringsidkare vilket betyder att mäklare kommer att tjäna pengar på dig. Så det här är sanningen bakom binäralternativet. T någonting som är inneboende fel med denna form av online-handel eller, bättre sagt, vadslagning, förutom att mäklare är artificiellt hyped upp och är oärligt presenterade som något de inte är. Så en gång till är Binär Options Trading en Scam. Binary Options trading isn Ta scam, men det är ekonomiskt spelande som bara fungerar bra på lång sikt för de mest hängivna och kunniga användarna.2017 Uppdatera binära optioner Industriförändringar. Om du läser våra tankar från 20 14, du vet att binära alternativ är legit men extremt riskabelt och svårt att delta i lönsamt Men det var tillbaka i 2014 Saker har förändrats ganska sedan dess. Som nämnts ovan finns det fortfarande ingen enkel genväg till binär optionshandel framgång Du behöver fortfarande lära dig grunderna i denna handelsform och göra mycket marknadsundersökning för att få riktiga pengar. Det sägs att vissa nya utvecklingar har dykt upp i branschen som kan göra det enklare för dig att leva genom binär alternativhandel. Mer Välkomnande till nya handlare. För den ena har social handel äntligen blivit en viktig aspekt av binär alternativ handel Newbies som vill börja tjäna pengar utan att behöva slåss mot en gnarly inlärningskurva kan titta på praxis av erfarna veteraner Några mäklare erbjuder även i - Hyra sociala handelsplattformar som låter dig dra nytta av handelsupplevelsen av mycket framgångsrika binära optionshandlare inom företaget. Det finns givetvis risken att näringsidkaren går Att misslyckas, i vilket fall riskerar du att förlora pengar på samma sätt. Så måste du välja dina signalleverantörer mycket noggrant för att undvika besvikelse. Vi har nu även binära alternativrobotar, vilket syftar till att automatisera vinnande affärer för användare. Tyvärr har många av Dessa robotar är bedrägerier vilket är varför du skulle vara bättre att undvika dem helt och hållet, såvida inte din mäklare erbjuder egna bilhandelstjänster. Än då då kan du inte räkna med en mäklare för att ge dig ett mycket lönsamt automatiserat handelsverktyg Varför skulle En mäklare ger dig verktygen att ta sina pengar Du måste göra din egen forskning först för att se om det automatiska handelssystemet är värt sitt salt. Om du väljer att använda ett oberoende binärt handelsrobotföretag måste du vara extra vaksam För att undvika att bli scammed. More Tools For Advanced Traders. It är lättare att få tillgång till finansiell finansiell information som behövs för att fatta intelligenta handelsbeslut än det var för två år sedan Premium binär optionsmäklare S har nu bra plattformar som ger utmärkta data för omfattande teknisk analys av de tillgångar du handlar, vilket hjälper dig att göra bättre affärer. Dessutom har det funnits fall av mäklare som introducerar robotar som skyr finansiella nyhetstrådar, vilket ger dig de senaste händelserna så att du kan Förutse marknadsfluktuationer Alla dessa framsteg gör binäroptionshandel lättare för personer som är villiga att lägga sig i tiden för att lära sig systemet inifrån och ut. Stille Legit. Ja, binära alternativ är legit och växande Men du måste fortfarande hoppa genom massor av hoops Att göra det i branschen som nybörjare Det finns också gott om bedrägerier för att dra nytta av hjälplösa nya binära alternativhandlare som inte vet hur branschen fungerar Samtidigt har vi nu ett bredare urval av pålitliga mäklare och signalleverantörer än Vi hade några år sedan En speciell som vi rekommenderar är 24Option. Dessutom ger bättre information och teknisk analys branschen mer lukrativ för dedic Däremot måste du vara mycket mer uppmärksam på vem du går in i sängen med när du går in i industrin för att hålla dina pengar från att falla i fel händer Om du är villig att sätta i arbetet lär du dig genom försök , Och utveckla bättre metoder än den genomsnittliga binära optionerna, kan du faktiskt tjäna pengar med binära alternativ 2017. Exklusiv bonus Innan du investerar i binära alternativ, kolla in vår rapport om 70 binära alternativmäklare. Ta reda på vilka mäklare du behöver för att undvika. Rapportera gratis idag. Recommended Binär Options Company. The Sanningen Om Binära Alternativ Legit Trading eller Scam. The svältande Artist Kanada Blerghhh 26 juni 2014 kl 6 25 - Reply. Brokers laddar vanligen en fast avgift per handel, så de bryr sig inte Om du vinner eller förlorar i allmänhet föredrar de att du handlar mer så att de gör mer. Att uppmuntra kunder att gå med, handla dumt och flamma ut är inte exakt en vinnande strategi för mäklaren heller. De vill i allmänhet Ir kunder att lyckas, men de flesta lagar förbjuder vanligtvis mäklarfirmor från att erbjuda rådgivning av något slag. Binär optionshandel kan vara lika legitim som någon annan investeringskanal, men släp-oljens försäljningsinriktning av annonsörsförbund har ändrat uppfattningen Fordringar på att multiplicera investeringar i minuter Et al har folk flockning till dessa online-mäklare utan att spendera lite tid på att lära sig grunden, till och med gjort rätt och med tålamod kan binär alternativ handel definitivt vara ett lönsamt alternativ. Jag är inte säker på binära alternativ allt jag läser om det låter som att spela till mig Kanske vet jag inte tillräckligt om det, men jag kommer att hålla mig borta från det för nu. Jag hade faktiskt inte tittat på binära alternativ för mycket för att jag inte förstod dem Tack för inlägget, men jag tror fortfarande att jag ska stanna Borta sheesh, jag måste fokusera på att suga bort lite pengar i min Roth innan jag ens tänker på någonting else. Zee Arbeta för att inte fungera 26 juni 2014 kl 7 37 - Svar. Jag har aldrig investerat i Binära alternativ, men jag har investerat i ett läkemedelsföretag som hade en kommande binär händelse. I grund och botten om deras läkemedel godkändes av FDA var jag gyllene, och om det inte var så skulle det tanka. På en viss dag swung stocken tungt På ett eller annat sätt. Men som du sa måste du göra din forskning Jag visste företagets historia, jag visste om deras drog och hur det gick framåt. Det hade misslyckats tidigare och jag visste att de täckte det s brister från Tidigare försök så de skulle inte bli ett problem längre och skulle inte nekas av samma skäl. Men det var fortfarande en stor spelning det kändes dagen innan den gick ner 40, dagen efter det godkändes gick det upp 80 Det var en berg-och dalbana och det lärde mig min risk tolerans. Det är inte för de svaga i magen och det är inte för dem som inte gör sin forskning. Dela Investor 29 juni 2014 kl 2 32 - Svara. Alternativ Alternativ Låter som att spela i binära alternativ, de tog kasino 101 affärsplan an D ändra vadslagningen till handel De betalar tillbaka 75 cent för varje 1 Du kan få bättre odds på Las Vegas. Fernando 25 september 2014 kl 6 20:00 - Svar. Jag måste säga tack I en web-värld helt fast med värdelös Gyllene löften om detta binära spelrum, det är egentligen inte faktiskt spel, eftersom du kan kontrollera odds på ett mycket bättre sätt igen, gör den forskning du refererar till än vad du skulle göra i rouletten, till exempel, där oddsen för framgång Öka så mycket som din vinstförväntning minskar genom att satsa i många siffror, det är mer sannolikt att du kommer vinna än om du satsar på bara ett par av dem, men då kommer andelen vinst också att vara logiskt mycket mindre, medan risken här är här Alltid detsamma, säg 50, och vinsten kan vara enorm, om du gjorde dina läxor, vilket är något som bara är omöjligt i det mest rena spelandet ser jag inte till exempel sportspel som rent spel som, trots faktornas lycka Finns där, det finns också en stark del av studien an D som kontrollerar oddsen, kan ändå säga tillräckligt förvirring i min kommentar. Vad jag menar är att du har den sällsynta förmågan att förklara någonting ganska komplicerat på ett sätt som till och med jag är helt okunnig om vilka intressen investeringar och marknader kan förstå det utan att behöva Återläs tack så mycket igen. Efter alla dessa popup-annonser där en kille börjar prata bokstavligen om hur rik han är och hur rik han kommer att göra dig utan vinst för sig, vilket inte bara är Prisvärt, men framförallt talar vi här om fenomenet killen-förtjänt-att-befordras-till-något-sorts-saintish-enhet, det är uppfriskande och pengarbesparande för att få någon med tydligt huvudtänkande De kan faktiskt lägga mina fötter på marken och släppa mig tillbaka till verkligheten medan du säger att du bor i en verklig värld och allt detta är fantasi Återigen tack Folk som du är anledningen till att jag fortfarande har tillåtet ett bankkonto i varje land Jag har bott så länge också, om det inte var för t Hans typ av rådgivning på jorden, jag skulle noga titta på ett tomt kylskåp, ett tomt kontoutdrag och en mycket rik lista över binära transaktioner som dödligt gått fel Tack, för han tredje gången Hälsningar, Fernando. Ja, det är Svårt att tjäna pengar Banc de Binary är en av dem som gillar att se dig förlora. De rådgivare är alla svindlare. När du förlorar, kommer de låtsas att avfyra sina rådgivare, men i själva verket roterar de dem till andra kunder och frågar sedan om att fylla på pengar och Lovar att göra tillbaka för dig självklart är förloraren du. Använd inte dem. Hur är bininaryoptionsinvestor 12 november 2014 kl 12 21 - Svar. Jag tycker att problemet är att de flesta faller för onlinemarknadsföring och lockar hög vinst och Rikedom Sanningen är att dessa kontrakt verkligen satsar, precis som de som används i sport Du kan handla dem och tjäna pengar, men du måste gå in i det med dina ögon öppna och inser att handel inte är så enkel som det ofta görs Att titta. Binära alternativ kräver definitivt arbete, som De flesta saker i livet om du vill tjäna pengar du måste, men i ansträngning Om du förstår tillgångarna och varför de rör sig, spela med några strategier som fungerar för dig och aldrig sätta in mer än du har råd att man kan tjäna pengar med den här typen Av handel Det tar bara tid och ansträngning Lycka till. Det är binärt alternativ en bluff 9 januari 2015 kl 03 32 - Svara. Det är ett problem att binäralternativ industrin har blivit en skuggig plats med så många mäklare och informationsprodukter som robotar, System osv. Man borde definitivt göra sin egen forskning innan man investerar riktiga pengar i det. Bara en handfull mäklare tillåter demokonton. Karles Barker 20 januari 2015 kl. 45 45 - Svar. Jag har slutat mitt jobb för ett år sedan och jag har Har levt på nätet ända sedan En största källan till min inkomst är online handel binär forex Jag kan bevisa att binära alternativ verkligen fungerar. Naturligtvis är det inte en snabb rik ordning. Du behöver bara lära dig rätt strategi för att work. pete ancich 6 februari 2015 kl 6 02 - Svar. Jag har gjort forskning om binära alternativ och är på väg att starta ett konto. Har du några tips för en första timer. Jag också också demo ett Forex-konto. Skulle älska lite råd. Jag kan intyga att binära alternativ verkligen fungerar. Är ett nonsensiskt uttalande definierar verkligen arbete Men om du faktiskt kommer att bevisa det, skicka sedan dina binära alternativmäklareutlåtanden så att vi kan se hur de verkligen fungerar eller helt enkelt lägga in din strategi. Kyle den 18 februari 2016 kl. 14.00 - Reply. lmao försöker omvänd psykologi för att få sin strategi han satte i arbetet och så har jag som jag lyckas och slutar komma hit för svar och sätta i arbetet själv. Jag tycker att spelningen spelar en stor roll i typen av binära Alternativhandlare är handel De som handlar på kort sikt som 60 andra affärer spelar eftersom det inte finns tillräckligt med kvalitativa data för att faktiskt förutsäga marknadsrörelser från minut till minut. Längre affärer, som 30 minuter till 1 timme, kan effektivt förutsägas med hjälp av klassisk För Strategier för handel med aktiehandel och grundläggande prisåtgärder eller grundläggande analyser. Det kan vara möjligt att sätta sådana system på prov innan de spenderar några pengar. Det bästa fallet skulle vara att dra nytta av ett erbjudande om gratis försök och sedan testa de föreslagna affärerna medan du använder Ett gratis demokonto. Tack för den här stora översynen. Förvisso har du rätt binär optionshandel innebär mycket mer än att bara investera lite pengar och förvänta dig en snabb återkomst. Handlare behöver hålla kontakten med de senaste ekonomiska och politiska nyheterna. Jag skulle också rekommendera nya handlare att Läs om mäklare innan du utför någon transaktion Några är verkliga bedrägerier medan andra är ärliga i sina affärer. Jag blev kontaktad av en mäklare som var säker på att jag kunde göra några lätta pengar från krisen i Gaza och Ukraina. Jag har lagt 5K på olja som går upp För några dagar och vann omkring 3 5K. Tricket var att han matchade min 5k med en annan 5k och jag var tvungen att multiplicera den med 25 eller 100, jag kommer inte ihåg så i grunden gör de dig att vinna en eller två gånger Nd då får du bara förlora, få tillbaka pengar där jag kontaktade banken och sa att jag blev scammed, det var så jag fick min 5k tillbaka. Det finns inga saker som enkla pengar. Webbplatsen var binära mål. Enligt min erfarenhet finns det två typer Av binär options trading Först får du de typiska offshore-mäklarfirmor som erbjuder vad du har ovan För varje 1 investerad får du antingen beloppet tillbaka plus 0 75 eller du förlorar hela 1 En som formellt har studerat derivat och alternativ prissättningsteori skulle veta att Det här är löjligt I grund och botten vad du borde betala för att ingå ett binärt alternativkontrakt är det diskonterade förväntade värdet av framtida utdelningar baserat på den underliggande tillgången. Det här säger helt enkelt att du kan antingen vinna 1 eller 0 då med 50 50 odds du borde betala Priset på 0 5 för kontraktet Nu, även om du har en garanterad 100 vinst, det mesta du skulle behöva betala för de binära alternativen som erbjuder 0 75 eller 0 utbetalningar är exakt 0 75 Således genom att betala 1 blir du dum Betala m Malm än det förväntade värdet är ett exempel på riskökning och du kommer att förlora på lång sikt Dessutom kan du vanligtvis sälja alternativet tillbaka till plattformen men de erbjudna priserna är skratta. Jag har inte sett en plattform som erbjuder något försäljningspris där du Skulle gynna, även om alternativet är i pengarna. För det andra finns det ett bättre och mer strukturerat sätt att handla binära alternativ som motsvarar mycket mer till vilka binära alternativ som verkligen är. Du kan google Nadex Nordamerika Derivatbörsen eller Cantor Exchange Limited eller CME Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Here handlar du REAL binära alternativ där priset för köp eller försäljning av alternativen alltid är mellan 0 och 100 NOTER Det pris du köper eller säljer på är vad marknaden tror kommer att hända och hur det värderar sann sannolikheten för Alternativ som löper ut i eller ut av pengarna Exempel, givet en utgång på en timme på EUR USD med strejk 1 06500, vilket innebär att binäralternativet har en fast strejkfrekvens, du kan köpa alternativet om du tror Det är sant att priset i en timme kommer att vara strikt över eller 1 06500 eller du kan sälja alternativet Köpa och sälja sker med hjälp av budgivningsbud och en liten provision laddad. Så låt oss säga att nuvarande offert är 34 41 vilket innebär att du kan köpa alternativen vid 41 eller sälja den till 34 Om du köper alternativet på 41 och på en timme löper det över 1 06500 får du 100-41 59 i vinst PLUS dina ursprungliga 41 mindre växelkurser naturligtvis vilket Är normalt runt 0 9 per handel. Du har klart gjort 59 41 143 på investeringen. Det är självklart möjligt att priset under erbjudandet ändras till 75 84 och sålunda kan du sälja tidigt till priset av 75. Således skulle din vinst vara 75 - 41 34 ie 91 Naturligtvis kan du köpa på 84 och göra en vinst på 16 som är tekniskt en säker satsning, men du riskerar fortfarande 84 Jag skulle hellre sälja till det här priset. Naturligtvis finns det andra funktioner som GTC Order där du kan fixa det pris du skulle vara beredd att köpa sälja på marknaden och h Okej att ditt pris är fyllt. Du handlar mot andra handlare och därmed finns det ingen intressekonflikt med utbytet eller prismanipulationen. I min personliga erfarenhet har jag blivit mycket hård och förlorat mycket pengar på offshore-mäklare och Deras dumma utbetalningsplaner Det tog mig ett tag att äntligen inse hur jag blev lurad Min ärliga råd till alla som vill handla binära alternativ är att konsultera en av de tre utbyten som jag har listat de bara är på marknaden Du drar nytta av ett regleringssystem Det är mycket bättre än förordningen som erbjuds av Cysec reglerade företag. Naturligtvis måste du bestämma själv. Jack Knorler 9 december 2015 kl 7 37 - Svara. Hej, Bra artikel Det viktigaste här är att ha möjlighet att differentiera reglerade Och betrodda mäklare med mäklare utan reglering som bara vill bluffa nya investerare Det finns många erfarna handlare som gör stora vinster men de flesta människor förlorar pengar, det är den ledsna verkligheten om du kno W hur man minimerar risken och utnyttjar marknadsutvecklingen kan du få framgång i din handel. De flesta mäklare utnyttjar kundernas medel eftersom de fyller dessa kunder inte vet hur man får tillbaka sina medel. Men lita på att det finns gömda sätt att du Kan få dina förlorade pengar tillbaka från mäklaren Jag kunde ta tillbaka min 94000 från de två mäklare jag anmälde mig till när jag handlade Om du har förlorat pengar till mäklare som är mer än 5000, vänligen meddela mig så jag kan berätta hur du can get your money back. Kelvin Fleming April 7, 2016 at 9 09 pm - Reply. Hi Sarah I lost over 200K with the broke in the space of about a week I had a feeling the behaviour of the account manager I was dealing with was strange and reckless I have a fledgling account with Banc De Binary and the people I have spoken to there said the same things Simply unreal that he could lose so much so quickly The word hubris springs to mind Having thought about it afterwards, I had the feeling that they were making money regardless of the outcome. To all traders respectively, trading binary options is not all about setting up a trading account and deposit in it then run around for strategies You have to know some strategies don t work on some account types So you should be careful of the kind of strategy or Robot you use to trade or even the signals too Before I could be making 15,000 every week, I found out this 4 years ago after losing an amount worth my house The things you feel are nothing are the things making you lose every time you trade You should be able to know the platform that suits your kinds of trades. Kelvin Fleming April 7, 2016 at 8 59 pm - Reply. I joined Option FM and was quickly encouraged to plunge a large amount of money in actually bullied is the word I d use I wish to Hell I d read this page before I did It looked to be doing well and then in the space of a week, I lost the entire investment of around AU 240,000 About US 180,00 I was just gobsmacked at the outcome The account manage calling himself Ben Wilson they all use aliases I noticed , responded as if I was being offensive The whole thing was done so much like a scam I felt I was completely mislead as the article says In the end it s just gambling, and they don t have the special knowledge and analysts they claim to Once you ve joined one broker, they all start ringing Because the money I invested was actually a housing investment loan, I now have a mortgage to pay the bank The promises and antics of these companies are completely reckless, amoral and close to criminal in my opinion. Well, first of all before investing a dime to any broker one has to do his homework on the brokers, because due to large number of new brokers joining the industry every day as 12,500 is all it takes to become a binary option broker Therefore choosing a binary options broker with an established background and reputation plays a vital role in trading 2 Binary Options trading carries significant risk Never invest mor e than you can afford to lose Any statements about profits or income, expressed or implied, do not represent a guarantee Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results Do these phrases sound familiar Any broker has its disclaimer about the binary options trading risks, atleast you have been warned Again Never invest more than you can afford to lose Now, binary trading is not gambling if you have worked out your trading strategy, money management and control your emotions before placing a trade If done right and with patience, binary options trading can definitely be a viable option as it was commented above. Neo2 is without a doubt a scam, by association with known scammer and common crook Michael Freeman, who, having failed to scam people with his own dud software have resorted to team up with other aspiring scammers to con people out of their hard-earn ed money, first with a couple of pseudo Russian scientists to flog their joint-venture scam Gold Digger, and now with this weatherman So I am duty-bound to warn traders of this new scam Beware Beware of anything associated with this common thief and thug, Michael Freeman. New alert on Neo2, the latest scam concocted by the low-life scammer and thief Michael Freeman After an unsuccessful career as a fake watchdog, a dud signals provider and a vender of a variety of dirty scams, this common crook had decided to bolster his faltering fortunes by joining force with more successful scammers First he recruited two fake Russian scientists who own the Gold Digger scam, and now he has added to his team a weatherman, Jack Piers, who claims to be able to predict movements in the currency market with software for weather forecast, what a bad joke To reinforce my suspicions about this motley mob of crooks and villains, it has just come under my notice that the recommended brokers used by these scoun drels are mostly notorious scam brokers, in particular, UK Options, led by a shameless liar and conman, Sean Park As the old saying goes, birds of the same feather flock together So here you have it, a gang of unscrupulous thieves and crooks putting their filthy heads together to work out ways to deceive the public, corrupt the industry and rip off those hard-working people who can least afford it. Most brokers take advantage of their customers funds because they feel these customers don t know how to get their funds back, But trust me there are hidden ways you can get your lost funds back from the broker I was able to withdraw my 94000 from the two brokers I signed up with while trading If you have lost funds to broker that is more than 5000 please kindly let me know so I can tell you how you can get your money back. Seriously guys, would you put 200k into an online bank with a fancy website No So why trust a broker Before investing in anything do some research I know it s a bit late no w but for anyone else reading please, please do some research Anything that seems too good to be true probably is. With respect to binary options I always thought they were a scam I then gave them a go with CMC markets UK and I ve had some good results so far My issue with traditional trading was getting stopped out after getting the initial move correct With binaries you have fixed odds so you know exactly how much you will make or lose and you pick the time frame. Make no mistake, if you don t know what you are doing and have no rules you WILL lose everything I ve been there and done it 3 times Whoops. Demo trade then Start with small amounts of capital Do not ever throw money at people to trade for you Take the time to educate yourself and rely on your own knowledge to become successful Always check who the broker is regulated with then check their license with the relevant authority I hate seeing people getting scammed so don t let it happen You can succeed if you have the commitment. Hi Thea, I have read your comment, and I feel I have been Scammed as well I signed up with a company called Cbinary I invested 6 500 they were always contacting me and liasing with me but since the 20th June there has been nothing I have phoned and phoned my account manager and also cant get onto the website How do I get my money back I feel like a fool I would love your help Regards Tracey. Hussain, there are two ways brokers make money trading binary options From what I understand they will just take the bet If they lose they pay out your profit of 80 and your initial investment, if you lose they take 100 of the bet So if you risk 100 they will pay you out 180 If you lose they will take the 100 Most people will lose so odds are they will always make money. Secondly, they match your trade with another traders trade Lets say you go long Eur usd for 100 Another trader goes short at the same time for 100 One of you will lose So the broker will take the 100 off of the loser, pay you 80 and ke ep 20 thus making profit That is a very simplified example, in real terms they will pools of money which is constantly filling up, paying out, banking profit etc I assume thats how they would balance their books in relation to Binaries They can t really hedge the risk as far as I am aware. If you are in the UK check out IG or CMC Although the binaries are regulated under the gambling commission, the companies themselves are regulated under the FCA so there is no issues in relation to withdrawing money etc. I don t work for a broker but I have had some success with binary options to date so I have done quite a bit of research on them. Withdrawal Problems Lost Funds There are many binary options companies which are not regulated all around Most of these offshore companies are not supervised, connected or affiliated with any of the regulatory agencies such as the Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC , National Futures Association NFA , Securities and Exchange Commission SEC or the Finan cial Industry Regulatory Authority FINRA Many of these brokers misappropriate traders money thinking these traders will not act. Godwin Scott August 5, 2016 at 4 29 pm - Reply. trading is for everyone because when you use the right strategy, you can get up to 5000 a week I am a professional binary forex trader, i enjoy seeing my student make profit from my strategies, trading binary has been my thing, at for the last five years have been a golden years for me the market has grown phenomenally and traders are joining in the trade in multiples, The binary option have expanded and the systems have become more sophisticated and more accurate especially with the advent of automated systems profit have risen and good numbers of traders have made impressive profit from it over times within the same period of times. franklinbolton August 5, 2016 at 4 36 pm - Reply. Doing Trade is extremely profitable when using the right techniques and strategies and also frustrating for those without better syste m to trade and signal provider If you need an assistance in doing a beneficiary trade and you are losing out all your investment instead of gaining, there is still a big hope for you. What hope are you talking about. You haven t listed UBOCapital there one of the biggest thieving scammers around UBO Capital continues on with its Rip off scam They locked away my funds in an unauthorized Long term trade and refuse to release the funds But claim that I cant withdraw until I reach their Withdrawal limit How can I reach the withdrawal limit when I cant trade my own funds and their so called Professional Broker Samantha Novac wont trade them either Suggesting that she doesn t make enough on these piddley little accounts of 2 grand She didn t like it when I made more money then she did and so she locked away my funds Very professional I have submitted 4 complaints to their management and they just refuse to reply or comment As they have not provided the professional services that they offered I should be able to withdraw from their service as they have broken the business accord of not providing a true representation of what they are selling Nothing But it just goes to show what a professional scam they are running Stay away and avoid like the plague. Interesting article I agree that binary options will be growing in popularity This and social trading will revolutionize trading and open it up to a wider and inexperienced audience. Vernon Prins November 21, 2016 at 12 59 am - Reply. I am a newbie and very interest in Binary Trading, so I try to read as many reviews as possible I am curious about Sarah Hill s post on April 5, 2016, and that of Thea Terrence on May 6, 2016 Did they have exactly the same experience, with the same amounts, or is it the same person using different names, and if so, why What am I missing here. mark anthony tungpalan monaco December 7, 2016 at 4 40 am - Reply. thank you for the post but how would i know if this post was true or to just market those trade r recommended at the end of this post. Do not take any Bonus offer from your broker or your manager, do not allow your broker manager trade on your behalf That is how they manipulate traders funds If you need assistance with retrieving your lost fund from your broker or Your account has been manipulated by your broker manager or maybe you are having challenges with withdrawals due to your account been manipulated Kindly get in touch with me and I will guide you on simple and effective steps to take in getting your entire fund back. Hello Sir, i wrote to your email cos im having the same issue you stated above, please help me sir i lost 70,000 Euro to Titan trade and i could not withdraw my money. Kevin Reed February 15, 2017 at 12 12 am - Reply. Amazing article about binary options and scams in the industry Here is my quick opinion If you avoid all unregulated binary options brokers and robots trading binary options can be real fun. king-wizard February 23, 2017 at 9 48 pm - Reply. Do not ta ke any Bonus offer from your broker or your manager, do not allow your broker manager trade on your behalf That is how they manipulate traders funds If you need assistance with retrieving your lost fund from your broker contact the email above. Leave A Comment. Disclaimer Modest Money is designed to provide entertainment and information to investors and those who would like to learn about the market, personal finance, loans and more You should never use the information on Modest Money as investment advice We simply don t have enough information about you, your unique portfolio, nor your goals to provide investment advice When making investment and other financial decisions, there is one piece of advice we can give you Do your own research and think about discussing your opinions with a local, registered advisor. Most Popular. Is Binary Options a Scam or Legitimate Trading Tool. Before we analyze whether binary options is a scam or not I would like to take a look at day trading, an area whic h I have much experience, and see if day trading would qualify as a scam. As a day trader many people looked upon what I did with skepticism Many thought that day trading was just a another form of gambling Many trading companies would try to lure people with the potential to earn a living with electronic day trading with very little investment The truth is, for the overwhelming majority of people, day trading was a losing effort Few traders were successful most lost money The firms made a lot of money collecting commissions and profit share from the good traders After my first year of day trading I was convinced that it was impossible, or nearly impossible to make money I began back in 2002, after the bubble burst and volatility was at a virtual standstill Few traders were making money with any of the traditional trading formulas that worked a few years earlier I was fortunate enough to come upon someone who had a system The trading system provided an edge in the market When traders di ligently followed the system they consistently made money When I began trading with the system I made money on a consistent basis I opened trading floors to teach others to trade within this system, but most did not made money Trading within this system required extreme discipline both to enter a position and to leave a position when the rules required Those who followed the rules diligently made money Like most professions, one needs education or skills to make a living The same is true with day trading Along with these skills a person must have the proper discipline in order to succeed Its a business that is clearly not for everyone. The same can be said for Binary Options The companies that set up binary option platforms and binary option brokers are in this business to make money The firm collects 80- 100 of a losing trade and pays out 60-80 on winning trades Someone who wins on 50 of their binary option trades will lose money Unless someone has a system that has a winning track rec ord and the person adheres to that system consistently he will over the long term win on 50 on his trades and lose money. Of course it is possible that some of the binary option brokers in the market are making promises that they cannot or will not fulfill If a broker makes false assertions or won t refund deposits or payout profits to a customer then that broker may be considered a scam The binary options trading industry itself is not a scam It may be difficult to actually profit trading binary options, but the risk and rewards are clearly displayed for the investor Whether one makes money or not is up to the actual trader We have completed a series of comprehensive reviews of binary brokers In our reviews we determine, to the best of our ability, if the brokers are providing the services that they claim to offer Once you have the confidence that a binary option broker is providing a legitimate service you will then be able to implement a trading style that most effectively yields pro fitable trading results All of the brokers we have tested so far have proved to be providing a legitimate service Some of our reviews include older more established brokers such as 24option as well as newer brokers such as Bee Options and Redwood Options. Related posts. Are Binary Options Broker Trading Strategies a Scam. Binary Options Bonus Scam or Legit. Binary Options Withdrawal Scam. How Do Binary Options Brokers Make Money. mike on September 21, 2012 at 10 21 pm. please send me a real legitimate binary website that really actually is not a scam and really pays off, and one can surely ake money on this. JD Lasinger on April 22, 2013 at 9 22 am. Hi Mike Thanks for the comment Please check your inbox and let me know if you got the mail Thanks. Bob on September 25, 2012 at 7 04 pm. I have been using to do binary trades the last three weeks They are not yet a year in business but they have the highest payouts in the market and I have no problems taking withdrawals I only trade the same 10 minute section of the DOW index once a day but I have won my trades 13 days in a row at a 92 return each trade because I know when the DOW will go up Binary options are legit if you can predict the movement of the asset 54 of the time or greater. JD Lasinger on April 22, 2013 at 9 25 am. Hi Bob Thanks for the feedback We agree with you We re very happy with MarketsWorld as a broker Hope you re still seeing those 90 s. erfahrungen on February 27, 2013 at 5 43 pm. I m amazed, I have to admit Seldom do I come across a blog that s both educative and amusing, and without a doubt, you ve hit the nail on the head. Disclaimer The information provided on this website is the opinion of the authors and is not necessarily based on factual data or actual legal decisions TradeOpus and its employees do not accept any liabilty for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information provided in this website See our Privacy Policy here. Risk Disclosure Trading in the financial markets comes with varying level s of risk It is the responsibility of the trader to recognize the risks involved Traders should never risk more money then he can afford to lose TradeOpus and it s employees don t retain any responsibility for any trading losses traders may face as a result of using the data or advice contained in this website. In accordance with FTC guidelines, has financial relationships with some of the products and services mention on this website, and may be compensated if consumers choose to click these links in our content and ultimately sign up for them. TradeOpus is your authority for Binary Options Trading At TradeOpus we provide up to the minute information in the world of Binary Options including comprehensive broker reviews Google. AnyOption Review. Last Updated 2017-01-31 by Martin Kay. Launched in late 2008, AnyOption rightfully claims the title of the first true pioneer in the Binary Options industry AnyOption is owned by Ouroboros Derivatives Trading Ltd, a Cypriot investment firm regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission CySEC , license number 187 12 Their new registered address is 24, 28th October Avenue, Engomi, CY-2414 Nicosia, Cyprus AnyOption is a member of the Investors Compensation Fund ICF and operates under the supervision of the European Securities and Markets Authority ESMA Ouroboros Derivatives Trading Ltd is also authorised as an EEA by the British FCA under reference number 603634 EEA Authorised means that we are dealing with a firm regulated in another European Economic Area EEA country but can offer certain products in the UK and numerous other authorities around the globe For a full list, visit AnyOption Regulation. Is AnyOption a Scam. AnyOption is not a Scam If I had to give away an award for being the most inviting broker for beginners , AnyOption will definitely be nominated, with a good chance of winning What I m trying to say is that AnyOption is not a scam, again It is one of the oldest operating binary brokers, has a long history of treating its clients fairly and is the leading innovator of high quality binary options trading and is heavily regulated across Europe For further explanations, just read the complaints section below. AnyOption Web traffic is steady and without any hiccups, with a max of 550,000 visits during the last 6 months The majority of visitors are from Germany 31 , followed by United Kingdom As long as web traffic remains constant, you can rest assured the brokerage is doing well because as you know, bad news travel fast so if something were to happen to the brokerage scam suspicions or similar , people would immediately stop visiting it or on the contrary, they would flock to the site to withdraw their money That s why we say that spikes in web traffic are bad news, no matter if they are spikes up or down. Editor s Note - Why AnyOption DOESN T Suck in 50 Words. As one of the first real pioneers of Binary Options Trading, AnyOption continues to lead the industry in terms of innovation AnyOption provide the right set of tools and healthy refunds without any tricky bonuses low wager or any other fairy-tales, so any trader could enjoy trading like it should be, and without any worries including a very nice up-to 20 refund which is ideal for newcomers And on top of that AnyOption has the most types of options including binaries on upcoming IPO s, Social Trading, 0-100 trading, Option , Bubbles and DYNAMICS. Why does AnyOption Suck in 50 Words. It s no secret that AnyOption is essentially the standard in the industry for many fresh binary options brokers to emulate Many trading tools are waiting to be used, and new trading options and trading assets are made available to trade each day On the downside, AnyOption is decent on returns, with an average return of around 71 , decent on bonus with about 20 only for new comers, and decent minus on extra short time frames however, the latter minus has been addressed with the addition of DYNAMICS. Should I Open an Account with AnyOption. AnyOp tion is one of first companies who saw the advantage of trading binary options and seized the opportunity with both hands AnyOption team, after many years of experience in risk management and options trading, created the very first binary options browser-based platform for binary options trading Being the first and most unique platform, AnyOption s trading tools are the standard for many other platforms, yet still remains quite distinguished from the others As a matter of record, one of our most recommended binary options trading platforms, SpotOption, is based on the AnyOption platform The difference is SpotOption is a white label service The main idea behind those two innovate platforms is the simplicity and user-friendliness. Unlike most experienced brokers, AnyOption decided to remain loyal to the traditional trading, much more conservative than other traditional style brokers Instead of creating new ways to trade Range options, Boundary options, etc , AnyOption invested its resourc es to develop additional trading tools such as the Option , a great trading tool that offers investors the option to delay or close the expiry time before the actual closing time after purchasing an asset, and Binary100, a model based on US CFTC style binary options. The trading system itself is very simple a trader can view up to 4 assets including all needed information at a time with a simple click Additional market news feed is located just below the asset tabs AnyOption also provides its customers with a profit line, a simple but very efficient tool to keep track of purchased assets Another way of keeping track of assets is by registering to the SMS service and AnyOption will send you a text before or after the expiry time If it s good news you hear, there is also an option to show to it off to other investors The conservative approach used by AnyOption is the main reason why AnyOption just doesn t SUCK While the binary options trading industry is getting too much crowded, it is so metimes better to stick to classic brokers such as AnyOption who have been innovating since day one. Update February 2017 0-100 Options are no longer available but AnyOption continue to innovate Their latest addition is Bubbles, a way of trading that allows you to place a circle on a chart, to the right hand side of price and to change its shape make it bigger, smaller, rounder, thinner, taller, etc If at expiry time, price bursts your bubble , you win, otherwise you lose It must be noted that the bigger the bubble, the lower the potential return because a big bubble has a higher chance of being hit and vice-versa It s an interesting way of trading but it s probably not for everyone anyway, being able to control your Risk to Reward ratio is always a good thing in my book so thumbs up to AnyOption. New AnyOption s New Feature Called Bubble Trading Takes Trading into a Completely Different level Start Trading Bubbles with AnyOption Today. AnyOption Complaints. At we do the research for you W e re looking for broker s complaints all over the web, checking them out and bringing you the results What we did is really simple we searched on Google for AnyOption complaints or AnyOption fraud, scams, Etc you can try it also Complaints about AnyOption were quite conflicting We managed to find quite a few comments in many different blogs concerning AnyOption Most complaints were detailed but centered on not reading the terms of use Most complaints came from what seems to be unhappy customers, many of whom lost their money making risky trades Anyoption is a fully licensed and regulated broker so if it is a scam, so is CySEC, the MiFIB, FCA and every other regulated broker Above all, I think that the absence of any complaint regarding withdrawal issues is in AnyOption favor You know what, I almost forgot This company, according to a few local and internet sources, is going for an IPO If that s a scam, I really don t know what s not a scam you get the picture I guess Keep it up guys. Up date February 2017 We continued to monitor AnyOption and although we could find some normal complaints mostly from people who don t bother reading the T Cs , we can say that overall they are still one of the most respected brokerages around, with a fair and legit business model. AnyOption Regulatory Warnings and Announcements.18 01 2016 The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission CySEC issued 8 fines against Ouroboros Derivatives Trading Ltd AnyOption for a total of 235,000 Euros The Board Decision was announced on 30 03 2016 and the fines targeted non-compliance with several sections of L 144 I 2007, including but not limited to failure to maintain effective and transparent procedures regarding complaints and grievances, aggressive inappropriate advertising material and others For full breakdown visit source CySEC Board Decision. AnyOption Bonus. AnyOption don t usually offer Bonus cash to all customers If available, bonuses are on a case by case basis so you will need to talk to your account representative for details If you ve already decided to get a bonus, the wager is 15 bonus, much lower than most brokers with about 20-30 bonus Another great advantage The Bonus can be accepted or not, depending on the client s wishes, but once it has been accepted, the turnover must be reached within 3 months It is very important to note that client s Cash Balance the client s personal funds amount deposited can be withdrawn before reaching the bonus turnover, thus accepting a bonus does not tie your money to the platform. AnyOption Withdrawal. Most sites would tell you how to deposit On we are not worried about it, here the most important part we care about which can also be seen as the most important thing in binary options Withdrawing your profits In AnyOption case, you can get fast withdrawal Your requests are processed within 48 hours of acceptance and paid to your account within two standard weeks The methods available for withdrawal are CC s and wire transfers and E-walle t withdrawals. AnyOption Extras. As the leading binary options platform on the market today just about everything on the site is an extra. Bubbles Trading. Fully Regulated CySec, MiFid, FCA. Social Trading. Great Trading Academy. AnyOption Ratings. AnyOption platform is based on a unique 100 web based platform, with no need for any software to be downloaded The trading platform is simple, modern, inviting, overall a very user-friendly platform Many Binary Options learning materials are available on the website, making AnyOption compatible with beginners AnyOption website is available in 7 different languages including English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Dutch and Swedish. No of Assets and Expiry time 16 20.There are well over 100 assets to trade with more being added every day Assets include stocks, indices, commodities and of course forex Forex pairs include BitCoin as well In terms of expiries available, AnyOptions severely lacks compared to most brokers. Update February 2017 The expiry times have been improved and now there are certainly more options available, including speed trading with the new addition of DYNAMICS pricing and potential profits offered are changing by the second You can buy, sell and trade with no limitations The Asset Index now contains 27 Indices, 17 currency pairs, 4 commodities and 83 stocksmissions, Support and Effective return 18 20.AnyOption doesn t charge any fees or commissions from traders when they first deposit or when they purchase options Withdrawals are usually charged with a 30 fee for more than one transaction per month Credit card withdrawals are charged a flat fee of 3 5 of the withdrawal amount or a minimum of 30 USD EUR GBP, etc E-wallet withdrawals are charged depending on the e-wallet of choice Skrill 2 5 , Neteller 3 5 AnyOption support is available via international numbers - including English and more or via email AnyOption live chat is far more efficient than most other brokers I actually got a response from a live perso n when I contacted them The effective return is average low with - 65-80 payouts for In-The-Money trades The Out-of-Money refund is 5-25 for all assets, a bonus not many brokers will pay. Deposit, Payment and Bonus 17 20.AnyOption Minimum deposit is average 200 or 200 Deposit is available via C C Wire transfer, Cash-U, MoneyBookers and many more Withdrawals of profits are only available via credit card or wire transfers in order to comply with anti money laundering laws AnyOption has bonuses but not for everyone You will have to request one from your account representative. Website Extra s 17 20.There are some great new extra s by AnyOption 0-100 Options, Account Manager and Users Trading Data 0-100 options or Binary 100 as they call it is the fastest method of trading, even faster than 60 or 30 second trading, allowing traders to jump in and jump out of a trade in the blink of an eye AnyOption innovative platform is unique and could only be found in AnyOption brand website Unlike most ot her platforms, AnyOption platform was created especially for the needs of its mother company The platform includes Call Put options and the Option , a great feature that enables the trader to close or extend the expiry time of assets that were already purchased AnyOption also provides its customers with a SMS service and some other cool features such as the Showoff AnyOption is also available on your mobile The only downside used to be the lack of Virtual Demo Update February 2017 0-100 are no longer available but Bubbles trading and DYNAMICS have been added. AnyOption ratings 86 100 Regulation factor 3 89 100.Join AnyOption Today. It is worth it But it isn t a get-rich-with-just-a-click system Just know that there are risks involved Do a bit of research before you make a call put It s very easy to get emotional about it, and that will lead to mistakes Anyoption has some advisors who actually help out a lot My advisor is pretty cool. I started using anyoption a couple of weeks ago Won my first three trades and I was hooked I proceeded to lose almost everything I invested 350 because I became emotionally involved So I ve read a lot on the web regarding trading methods It has been likened to gambling because it is very difficult maybe even impossible to predict market shifts in such a short period of time So here s what I found out after making some very careful observations You need to be able to find patterns, stay completely unemotional don t watch the profit line and just stick to your method If you can do better than 55 on a consistent basis, you will make money Just don t deviate from your method once you have one that works To find a good method, just make mock trades don t trade just write down your call or put level and wait for expiry level Do this 100 time at least If you can do better than 55 consistently, you have a good method Again, I can t say this enough Keep your emotions out of it You will find that while it is risky, it is not really gambling when you have a good method So far I m over 2000, but I have not tried to withdraw funds yet Based on what I ve read, it doesn t look like that will be a problem Good Luck. I like this platform because it is the only one I can use at work. Please is there anyone trading with anyoption from Nigeria and what is there withdrawal procedure Does it work. is there any one trading with anyoption from INDIA what is there withdrawal procedure Does it work. THIS IS THE BEST BINARY BROKER IN THE FINANCE INDUSTRY I HAVE EVER DEALT IS CLEAR FROM THE BEGENNING JUST READ THEIR TERMS AND CONDITIONS I AM OVERALLL VERY SATISFIED ABOUT THEIR SERVICES MORE IMPORTANTLY THEY ARENT SCAMMERS AND THEY PROCESS PAYMENT VERY FAST I WOULD RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE I KNOW. Anyoption is a good trader until you start winning I learned to trade specifically VIX and I was able to grew my account from 150 00 to 7K, after some profit taking I was able to grew my account again from 2k to 10k, after some profit taking I was able to grew m y account from 2k to 16k and after more profit taking I was able to grew my account from 1500 to 7K All that was from January until March and suddenly I can t make any transaction with my account for 9 consecutive weeks I opened another account and I was able to start trading again They closed the new account and I totally understand that When I contacted their customer service the customer rep said that he will talk to his manager, after 2 weeks I called him again and he started screaming when I told him that they have blocked my account that I can t make any transaction and that I open another one I was able to start trading without problems I m not the first one complaining about this There are others people I know that had the same issue I would recommended it, but watch out as soon as you notice that they don t allow you to make any transaction take your money out. wow pls what strategy do you use in trading you are so so successful sir pls help. you say us accepted anyoptions site says NO which is it. Anyoption is a cheating website A total scam. I received a email saying that they are giving a risk free trade that says min 5k investment for this trade. If the trade that they gave is lost, they will refund you back the 5k Ok so I called and ask this particular Senior staff of theirs, by the name of Cara, about this risk free investment trade She said if the first trade is won, I will get a bonus but I can t withdraw this bonus cos i will need to trade 5X of the initial 5K investment, which is 25K of volume then I can withdraw my 5K capital the bonus Ok then I said fine with me, cos if I win the extra bonus, I dont mind to trade more with them. So I went ahead to start the first risk free investment trade that she gave She gave 5 recommended trades but 4 out of the 5 were lost And I put all my 5K into one of her losing trade that she gave Ok so now the trade that she gave I totally lost, and after that this is the worst part that had ever happen My account then refle cted back the 5K, I called their customer service, and they said that this 5K was considered a Bonus to me Omg this 5K should be a REFUND since the trades that she gave was lost. I was totally pi ed off and I flared up, how can they said the refund is a BONUS back to me I was very very they said in order to get back this Bonus , I need to trade additional of 25K in order to take back my money My money is the 5K that I have invested in her losing trades that she gave. So all investors, did you all see the unfair, misleading, cheating case of Anyoption by how they cheat investors to deposit money then just gave a losing trade or not even going to be responsible for any trades that they gave, they push all the responsiblity to the investors Then in the end to get back my refund, I need to trade 5X more of my initial deposit in order to get back my REFUND. If you want to refund to investors, refund in a amicable fairness way Even if Anyoption gave a winning or losing trade in the 1st place, I still have to trade 25K more just to get back my bonus if I win or refund if the first trade that they gave was lost. This is not the way for Anyoption to cheat mislead or scam investors to get onboard their company I was fooled into joining their website bcos of their scam promotional marketing All the rest of the investors beware They tricked people to deposit then after that just ignored you cos the trade that they gave there s no accountability to it at all Even a 10-yr old child can give their risk free investment trade, cos even if lost or win, Anyoption wants you to trade 5X more volume in order to get back your money, be it a bonus or your refund. The UK authorities should be alerted and take action against Anyoption in the manner that they carry out their cheating of clients A thorough investigation must be probe into their company on their operations. your money isnt gone, its just a bonus which is easey to get back cause its only 5 the investment would you be like that if it w as 200.anyway im offering a buisness deal to you, i believe i can get your money back 25,000, once you complete you play through you get to keep the 25,000, istn that right. put it this way, if i get you back your 25,000 and you get to withdraw that amount then you will pay me 5,000 so you still get an extra 15, way to look at this is, you think you have lost the money, dont get me wrong you may still as thats a possibility but if i get you your money back 25,000, will you pay me 5,000 and if you dont then you pay me nothing think of it as a incentive for me, after all nothing is free just trying to be honest and you lose nothing cant lose what you dont have and this way you can get it back. ill tell you when to place and where to place and how long expirey should be also make sure you can always close the expirey manualy when you place a trade. think it over, you have nothing to lose. just so we are clear, if i get back your money, you pay me 5,000 usa give me a emeail if you are i nterested, trust me its not loss. HELLO LYN THERE ARE CERTAIN CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH YOUR BONUS APPLY YOU MUST READ THEM CAREFULLY BEFORE ACCEPTING A BONUS ANYOPTION HAS NEVER FORCED ANYONE TO TAKE A BONUS YOU SHOULDNT HAVE INVESTED THAT MUCH IF YOU ARE STARTING CANT BLAME THEM FOR YOUR OWN MISTAKE. Warning Possible Spam NON US TRADER and Lyn Estella are 100 right ANY OPTION is a SCAM When you start to win money they come up with some monkeybusiness, steel your money, don t want to justifie why or present any proofs, change you around from one office clerk to another who knows nothing , don t answer your calls mails I recommend to stay well away from ANY OPTION That this web-site BOTS actually rate them as 1 is a big puzzle to me, clearly its lacking research P. Piotr ALMOST if not ALL brokers will do the same stuff over and over They want you to add to bonuses accept free trades when in their TOS it says it can be as bonus so it will fuck you either way I think BOTS are more researching on if they will fake pips or making expiry time longer to make you lose or not withdrawling since that just makes trading completely worthless if such stuff happens Have you ever heard keep your friends close but your enemies closer Well broker likes money and if they see you as a weak minded with not much in depth knowledge they will try everything to fuck you with these bonus and free trades And ofc if you have good knowledge and make profit on the business they want to keep away from you Just my 2 pennies. P S To anyone who took the effort to read this and is willing to make some cash in this business check this link. PLEASE DO NOT GENERALIZE NOT ALL BROKERS ARE CROOKED OF THEM ARE GENUINE AND TRUSTWORTHY SOME OF THEM ARENT A LOT OF TRADERS WILL NEVER ACCEPT THEIR OWN TRADING FAULTS AND WILL NEVER COME ON THIS THREAD TO BLAME THEMSELVES BLAMING A BROKER BECAUSE YOU LOST YOUR MONEY IS NOT FAIR EITHER IN THAT CASE YOU DONT HAVE TO ACCEPT A BONUS IF YOU DONT TRADE MUCH AND IF FOR ANY REASONS YOU DONT TRUST YOUR ACCOUNT MANAGER YOU CAN STILL TRADE ON YOUR OWN PAY VERY FAST YOUR WINNINGS THATS PROBABLY THEIR FIRST PRIORITY. There was a reason i said ALMOST if not ALL with some words in caps lock uh Raising the fact that the brokers get money when you lose is just like the casino In c asino they serve you booze and some women so you can get distracted so you can lose it all by greedyness and the long run lose In binary options you will be asked for bonus which at first looks great but then comes to be a bit and get some vip trades and to remember in their Terms of service they normaly have in the end saying they can change it whenever they want so if you just made 2 trades on same pair in same minute they could make this terms and ban you with no refund and then change the terms again. Warning Possible Spam Rafik you got to be a TROLL ANYOPTION is a SCAM 100 Hoe much are they paying you All brokers offers nice deals to the investors, which the brokers know are hard to win for them When the investor then win outsmart the broker, the broker start to change their own rules, swai the rates, and even do things they can t justify, in order to keep steal the investors money When any broker is short of cash, they will rollover any investor, no dirty tricks are spared. MR PIOTR UNFORTUNATELY ANYOPTION DO NOT PAY ME FOR SPREADING THE TRUTH I DID NOT SAY THEY ARE THE BEST BROKER BUT AT LEAST THEY PAY THEIR DOWNSIDE OF ANYOPTION ARE THE PRICE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MARKET PRICE AND THEIRS APART FROM THAT THEY ARE JUST FINE IAM NOT GOING TO DIFFAME A BROKER WHICH PAID MY EARNING IN A REASONNABLE DEADLINE MAKES YOU THINK THEY ARE A 100 SCAM MY DEAR. When I checked with them it looked like they do not have common payment processors Like Solid Trust Pay which am confidently using all the time.

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